The Shtus!
I am not a sheltered person who has never watched a movie or been exposed to the big, dirty secular world. I have been exposed to plenty, probably more than I would like to admit. And I do not pretend that the Orthodox world is free of anything that I've been exposed to. And I am both a proponent of free speech and recognize the value in blogging as a conduit for expression that may not have another venue.
That said (and that was one whopping disclaimer), I am really unimpressed by some of the things I've found floating around in the Olam HaBlog. Call me an unsupecting observer, call me a prude, but there are things I just don't want to hear about and that I don't expect to find on frum blogs.
I recognize that one of the most appealing parts of blogging is the ability to state one's opinions and experiences in anonymity without fear of stigma or retribution of any kind. And I realize how valuable it is to have a mode of expression. I also realize that many things that have long been considered taboo within the Orthodox community because they made for unsavory shabbos table discussions need to be discussed and talked about in order to effect social change that is so necessary in our community.
But, people, fellow bloggers, there are certain things that have remained taboo within the frum community for good reason, and there are things I just don't want to know. I don't want to know about someone's sexual frustrations. I don't want to know about people's sex lives, period. In Orthodox Judaism - very much unlike the rest of today's society - sex is a private, sacred act between man and wife, and quite frankly, we should leave it there.
Now, perhaps, all you bloggers out there say this is my problem and I shouldn't look, and I certainly don't deny anyone the ability to say or post whatever they want, but I just feel a need for one exclamation: the shtus!!
There, I'm done. Continue blogging whatever you'd like wherever you want whenever you want (as I'm sure you will). I said what I had to say. I'm done.