Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Best Correction Ever

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The Field Notes column last Sunday, about the influence that destination weddings are having on bridal gown design, misspelled the name of the country in which Katherine Farkas plans to marry in July. It is Colombia, not Columbia.
And, yes, I am dorky enough to have a favorite correction. But, in my defense, I am clearly not the only one. This Web site is dedicated to corrections. And this is a whole book on corrections. (Best one: "In yesterday's issue, The New York Times did not report on riots in Milan and the subsequent murder of the lay religious reformer Erlembald. These events took place in 1075, the year given in the dateline under the nameplate on Page 1. The Times regrets both incidents.")

So, I'm not the only dorky one out there. I'm not sure how much of a comfort that is.


At 2/21/08, 9:39 AM, Blogger Scraps said...

Teehee. That *is* the best correction ever.

I'm smirking. ;-)


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