Thursday, April 21, 2005

What? It's Pesach Already?

Forget the here-come-Pesach blues, I have the here-come-finals blues.

Which would be fine except that because of all the schoolwork I have, Pesach kinda gets lost in the shuffle somewhere. And all of a sudden I'm going to be sitting at a seder without anything to add. I mean, I can expound on pharmacuetical prices and campaign finance reform and the Supreme Court decision in NY Times v. Sullivan, but that's about it.

Have I actually looked at a hagada, opened up a sefer, even searched for Divrei Torah online? Nope. I haven't had time, I lament. I think the one most frustrating part about going to a secular college (and maybe real life in general, but I haven't gotten there yet) is not that you have to miss class for yom tov, it's that you have to miss out on yom tov for class. Of course, I don't go to class on yom tov, but my schoolwork does affect my ability to fully appreciate yom tov.

Somehow, Pesach gets lost in the shuffle of school, and that's not the way it's supposed to be.


At 4/21/05, 1:20 PM, Blogger Keren Perles said...

Wow, nice post. You're right, I did like it. Because it's so terribly true... :(

A Bracha for Eli7:

May you be zochah to learn wonderful hagaddah insights before the seder and to inspire all those around you...

But you will, anyway. I know it. ;)

At 4/21/05, 6:15 PM, Blogger Nephtuli said...

NY Times v. Sullivan? That's the one case we did this year that I'm not being tested on. But I know exactly how you feel. I've been studying for over 12 hours a day for the past few weeks. Thank G-d this year Erev Pesach is Shabbos, so I have time to actually learn something.

At 4/21/05, 6:53 PM, Blogger Devorah said...

For the record Shmev, I read NYT v. Sullivan before you did :-P (granted only a few weeks b4 perhaps..) And yes, yom tov is not the same when you have 2 exams on chol hamoed and a mammoth paper due right after...

At 4/22/05, 12:03 AM, Blogger TRK said...


It's always depressing when Yomtov comes around and you have NOTHING to say or give over. I would say try and be koveah itim (setting aside a time) even a few minutes, before davening or before you go to sleep or while you are eating to try and learn something.

Good luck with your exams.


At 4/22/05, 9:10 AM, Blogger Keren Perles said...

That's why Hashem gave us Shabbos this year before Pesach. It's the perfect time to catch up on your seder prep...And to get inspired about the unbelievable koach hidden in the Yom Tov!

I would talk about renewal and invigorating freshness of life and spirituality, but then you'd take me for a seminary teacher.

Those were the days...

At 4/22/05, 9:53 AM, Blogger Nephtuli said...

Actually it's good Erev Pesach is Shabbos this year so I can catch up on my sleep....


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