Sunday, April 17, 2005

Depths of Depravity: College and the Religious Void

Well, maybe it's not quite that bad, but then again maybe it is:

  • The sun comes out (beautiful!) and the clothing comes off (ugh! I mean, do people not look in the mirror and realize that there is very little chance that the flab hanging out of their super low cut jeans and lack of top is going to be attractive?)

  • Ham on matzah - very sacreligious.

  • What do you answer when you're asked how one would appear more Jewish so as to fool one's boyfriend's parents?


At 4/18/05, 2:42 AM, Blogger TRK said...


College is a really tough time for religious people, but the challenges we face there hopefully make us stronger and better Jews.

People love to show flesh, even pale, flabby, gross flesh.

Ham on matzah - be positive, at least they are performing one mitsvah.

Tell that person to be honest, Midvar Sheker Tirchak. That they should tell the parents the truth.


At 4/18/05, 9:37 AM, Blogger Eli7 said...

I'm always hesitant to put up posts like this one where I effectively bash secular college becuase I LOVE my secular college. I'm very happy with my decision to attend Columbia.

However, i would also be lying if I didn't sometimes post these rants about the frustrations I have as an Orthodox Jew on a college campus. It's not all fun and games and it most certainly is not the place for everyone. I think people should think long and hard before choosing this route - not because I think it's a poor choice, but because I think you should know what you're getting yourself into.

So that while I continue to be a snotty Columbian through and through who is indescribably happy with her choice of college, I will also continue posting about the depths of depravity that plague my college campus; the two come hand in hand.

At 4/18/05, 2:43 PM, Blogger Keren Perles said...

Ham on matza??? You're kidding...

At 4/18/05, 4:27 PM, Blogger Eli7 said...

I wish I was...

At 4/18/05, 6:01 PM, Blogger Devorah said...

Ham on Matzah?? Sheesh, that doesn't even sound appetizing ;-) How do you advertise that? Come try some succulent pig on dried-out tasteless unleavened bread? Weird.

At 4/19/05, 5:46 AM, Blogger TRK said...

I have a friend who asked me if she should have her calamari on Pesach not fried bread crumbs. I said it's best NOT to have the calamari at all, and I know she can do it, but yes, it's always best not to have bread crumbs on matsah.

As for secular campuses - it's incredibly difficult for many guys when the flesh being shown is not the flabby pasty variety, but other types.

The openness and muliicultaralism of secular college is a big advantage, make the most of it.


At 4/19/05, 5:54 PM, Blogger Keren Perles said...

Yeah, I was thinking...If seeing the "skin" out there bothers us fms, those poor poor frum boys on campus...

At 4/22/05, 12:07 AM, Blogger TRK said...


you couldn't imagine


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