Sunday, July 02, 2006

I Heart Flip-Flops

An entire article about flip-flops in The Times. And while I take offense at the assertion that they're a driving hazard (four-inch heels, now those are driving hazards), I bask in the prediction that work environments are getting casual enough to wear flip-flops to work.

I'm personally partial to the super-cheap 2-for-$5 Old Navy flip-flops and don't understand how anyone can spend $250 on a pair. In fact, the only thing missing from my own flip-flop collection (besides for a pair of Kerry flip-flops from the RNC in 2003) is a pair of Columbia flip-flops, which at $18 are just a little bit ridiculous to me. (Though if anyone's looking for a graduation gift for me next year...)

I always wear my flip flops in the rain, though on Columbia's stone slippery-when-wet campus, I will quote someone else as saying that -- and this is especially true when wearing flip-flops, trust me -- when it rains, you have an 80 percent chance of death on campus. Good thing I was in D.C. for the latest round of torrential rains. And you can bet that I wore my flip-flops through this hicktown we call our nation's capitol -- a city wholly unequipped to deal with rain.


At 7/2/06, 10:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lemme ask you a question. Whenever I'm home I get chewed out by my parents for driving with flip flops. Am I alone on this issue? Others, please sympathize.

At 7/3/06, 12:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've driven just about cross country in flip flops. But I can't imagine driving in even a 1 inch heel.


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