Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The Times Explains Pesach? Riiiiiight

Orthodox Judaism is sorta hard to understand and even harder to explain, which is perhaps the kindest conclusion I can draw from this article. Printing kosher for Pesach recipes in the Times seems like a really good idea. Trying to explain what makes something kosher for Pesach in 2 pages--really bad idea. I'm frum and the article confused me!

(But on the second page, there's a picture of Brach's: shout-out to my neighborhood!)


At 4/5/06, 11:31 AM, Blogger tinablue87 said...

Jon Nathan is now an idiot in my mind. Why would she think that baking soda and baking powder would be problematic in the first place??

Also, I don't think she did a good enough job of explaining the Sepharic tradition. She seemed to say it was more an Israeli/Conservative thing...there are many "ultra orthodox sephardim" who would eat rice on Pesach-but I think you wouldn't think that after reading the article.

Bottomline-bad article.

At 4/5/06, 12:22 PM, Blogger Devorah said...

And did you see the video piece about the new Lubavitvh shul in Soho....ya...


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