Halloween May Be a pagan Holiday...
...but the day after is a Jewish holiday (cheap candy for cheap Jews!). And other random thoughts:
- If you wait to buy the leftover Halloween candy on sale a few days after Halloween, it will be gone. I know this for a fact because my father and I tried FOUR stores motzai shabbos and came away with one bag of Snickers and one bag of Three Musketeers. I was very disappointed. Just goes to show you, im lo achshav, eimatai?
- You should not take your kids with you to get a manicure. I understand that mothers have different priorities and you can't always find a baby-sitter, etc., but it is wrong to bring your child with you to a nail salon. It just is.
- Things are not always what they seem. The 20-something girl surrounded by dishes and glasses and people who could be helpful family members may not be getting married.
That's all folks. Back to work. Despite the fact that I am on vacation. I'll have a Halloween Snickers to celebrate.
I don't know what this means:
Things are not always what they seem. The 20-something girl surrounded by dishes and glasses and people who could be helpful family members may not be getting married.
Frum Single,
I still have plenty of pashkez candy left over from shalach manos!! Can I send you some?
Yuck. Old Pashkez candy? Do you want to kill her or something?
I was once getting a manicure and someone brought her son who was acting really inappropriate and watching the women get pedicures. And she kept saying "I know I shouldn't have brought him, but..." Getting a manicure is not the most important thing in the world! If you can't get a babysitter, maybe you'll have to skip the manicure this week {{shudder}}.
Ok, I know this is probably obvious to everyone else, but what is wrong with taking a kid with you when you have a manicure? how is it different to a hair cut, shopping or going out to eat?
Ok, number one I don't want free leftover Purim candy, I want cheap leftover Halloween candy--half the fun is in the bargain!
Numebr two, I went to the keilim mikvah with my father and sister to tovel a whole bunch of glasses. There was a lady there toveling a whole bunch of dishes. So, there are four people in the tiny keilim mikveh, including one 20-something girl (that would be me). A lady walks in, looks around, and smiles broadly and says, "is somebody getting married?" No.
Number three, gals go to get their nails done to relax. It's more about the experience, the hand massage, the being pampered than it is about the color that your nails get painted. That is the last place two children under the age of three belong. The point of the nail salon is to get away from the world and its petty little frustrations, not to bring them in with you.
So, all you guys who do not understand what's wrong with bringing your kids with you to get your nails done, take note and offer to baby-sit so your wives can get their nails done in peace. OK?
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