Monday, August 14, 2006

Greyhound: Good for My Reading, Bad for My Mental Health

I take Greyhound buses because they're cheap. I'm a starving student, so the fact that you an get from New York to Baltimore or Washington and back on less than $50 is a big deal. Amtrak and airfare are a lot more expensive (although Jet Blue is starting to fly to Washington -- just about as soon as I got back to NY).

But Greyhound isn't exactly the classiest mode of transportation. You might say you get what you pay for. I've had some rather awful Greyhound experiences, which have given me plenty of time to finish whatever book I was reading at the time, but also plenty of time to have nervous breakdowns. (The buses that didn't show, the bus that forgot to make a stop in Silver Spring and went back when we were an hour away, the buses that broke down, the bus that couldn't figure out how to use the handicap ramp...)

My aspiration in life at the moment is to make enough money to be able to afford a different, more reliable means of transportation. That's not too much to ask, is it? It might rule out journalism, though. I'm off to find that LSAT book...


At 8/15/06, 7:15 AM, Blogger tinablue87 said...

I recommend the Chinatown bus. It's $35 dollars for both ways and it's a little nicer than Greyhound. It's called Apex Bus-you can google that to find out schedules and times and things. I have never had a scary experience on this bus. I cannot say the same for Greyhound.

At 8/15/06, 10:30 AM, Blogger Scraps said...


I've had some pretty horrendous experiences on Greyhound. I can totally relate.

At 8/17/06, 11:02 AM, Blogger Samuel J. Scott said...

There's also the Fung Wah bus (I think that's what it's called) that people I know take from NYC to Boston. Cheap, but perhaps a bit sketchy as well.


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