Monday, January 29, 2007

Deep Thoughts: Crazy Lady, Guys With Long Hair, and a Pathetic Me

Deep thoughts for today:

  • Philosophy classes=guys with too much hair.
  • Watching someone edit your work is painful. I tried to come up with a witty simile, but I couldn't. It's just painful. Period.
  • If the bookstore has the book I need in stock but can't find it on their shelves, what good are they?
  • If I called you every hour for two full business days, shouldn't you give me what I need just so I stop bothering you?
  • There is a crazy lady that hangs out at both of the Starbucks I frequent (maybe I'll fill in the whole story some other time), and she is scary. Really, really scary.
  • I am uniquely talented in that I can manage to disappoint my eight-year-old sister and my grandmother at the same time.
  • It was easier to give it everything I had than to give it up.


At 1/31/07, 7:53 AM, Blogger Scraps said...

-Having never taken a standard philosophy class (I'm guessing Philosophy of Law doesn't count), I have no comment. Also, I went to school with only girls. :-P

-Of course it's painful. Whoever expects you to smile is expecting too much.

-Oooh, don't get me started. I hate it when bookstores do that.

-But they get so much more enjoyment out of not helping you!

-Maybe start going to a different FourBucks...I mean, Starbucks?

-I'm sorry. That's probably not such a fun feeling. :-/

-Tell me about it. (((hugs)))


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