Monday, August 29, 2005

Hate Mail for Maureen Dowd From a Liberal

I don't like Dubya.

I'm a Democrat who values intelligence and I just don't like him (though I do love making fun of him), but even I think I'd be ready to condone Dubya declaring war on Maureen Dowd if she prints one more column about the president's vacation, his biking, his iTunes, his pretzel incident... Enough already!

Those of us who don't like Bush, don't like him, those who do, do. We all know he may not be the brightest crayon in the box, but he also won two U.S. presidential elections.

Virtually every college student in this great country has a summer vacation and an iPod and I don't see Dowd deriding that great mass of people which is the future of America (or so they keep telling us at Columbia).

So, yes, you can make a stab at the ridiculously long vacation, you can even make fun of his country music heavy iTunes playlist, but then take a deep breath and say something substantive. Or get off the opinion pages of that veritable newspaper you work for.

(And everyone take note, this is probably the first and perhaps the last time I will almost support a Republican for anything on this blog or in life.)


At 8/29/05, 9:35 PM, Blogger Michael said...

I second that motion!

I don't think what you wrote is partisan at all; I know many very liberal Democrats who can't mention Bush's name without preceeding/following it with an explitive.

She does nothing to contribute to intelligent debate in this country nor does she do anything for the Times aside from writing overly dramatic sensationalistic columns. I nominate you to replace her, should the clothing line not work out.

At 8/30/05, 4:05 AM, Blogger Chaim said...

Wonderfully said, I myself tend to lean right on things, and find her tone more than anything patronizing. She can't get past her own hatred, and that is what turns a true journalist into a bickering partisan.

At 8/30/05, 5:14 AM, Blogger Michael said...

Oddly enough I didn't finish my second sentence.

I meant to write "I don't think what you wrote is partisan at all; I know many very liberal Democrats who can't mention Bush's name without preceeding/following it with an explitive who feel the same way about Dowd that you do.


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