Tuesday, July 26, 2005

TRW Asks the Tough Questions

TRW interviewed me with tough, thoughtful questions, and below are my answers.

1) What was the happiest day of your life thus far? Why?
This is a hard one. A couple different thoughts have flitted through my mind, but none of them really answer the question. Maybe it's because I don't like quantifying things that way, it's certainly not because there are no happy moments; there are many, I just don't think any of them fits the definition of "the happiest day of my life." So, I'm going to pass on this question because I don't believe life is about single moments or momentous occasions. Life is about what you do on a regular basis, and while those moments may not stand out the same way, they are what is important.

2) What is the kindest thing that anyone ever said to you?
I was basically told (I am not including the exact quotes and conversations as they are personal) by two of my seminary teachers close to two years post-seminary that I had been brainwashed. I never woulda thought that would mean so much to me, but it meant that I valued their teachings and their hashkafa and was at least trying to make decisions based on those values. And the fact that they saw my efforts and appreciated them and thought I was on the right track, well that really was the most I could have asked for.

3) How many people could you look in the eye and tell them that you love them? (Yes, I want a number)
Well, I'm going to give a number and not tell you who since you ask for a number and not names. And the answer is ... nine. I think.

4) If you could have anything, but only one thing, without trying, what would you choose?
A high I.Q. And to me that means the ability to learn. My first response was knowledge or wisdom, but I don't think either of those things is any good if you haven't worked for them. I mean, I can spew off trivial facts with the best of 'em, (especially where my illustrious university is concerned), but that's not what I mean, and it's not what I want. I want the capacity for knowledge - the intelligence to be able to learn and the stamina to actually do so. How's that?

5) What is your ultimate, long-term goal? Are you working toward it right now?
My ultimate long-term goal is to build a bayit ne'eman b'yisrael - to have kids and teach them to love Torah and Judaism as much as I do - and to have a successful career as all. What's that you say? I want it all. Yes, I do. Am I working toward that goal? well, I'm working toward the second (and secondary) aspect - the career part. That's what I'm doing in college, in my internship, etc. I am in one way or another preparing to go to law school and be a lawyer. On the other hand, I am not really actively working on the bayit ne'eman part. (Ok, I just freaked myself out by using that phrase twice in the same paragraph. I really am brainwashed.) It's a lot harder and emotionally trying to work on that, though honestly, it is far more important. But then again, there's also only so much for me to do about it at this point.

Now the rules again:
1) Leave me a comment saying "interview me please."
2)I will respond by asking you five questions (not the same as above)
3)You will update your blog/site with the answers to the questions.
4) You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5) When others comment asking to be interviewed you will ask them five questions.


At 7/26/05, 2:46 PM, Blogger EN said...

Great answers! Could you please interview me?

At 7/26/05, 3:22 PM, Blogger TRW said...

1) But you should have one memory that you bring up when you're sad, one that makes everything right. It's kind of like a Patronus...but then again, you'll have to ask an HP obsessor to understand that.

2) I like that. Many people would get mad about that, but it's a compliment! ;)

3) That's fine. I only asked for a number. It's a good exercise, though, no? :)

4) Very good! You got the point! In many things, the effort extended in aquiring them adds so much to the actual desired thing.

5) You are working on that as long as you're working on making yourself a better person to be a better wife, mother...(did I freak you out yet? ;) )

Muy impressivo.

At 7/26/05, 8:57 PM, Blogger Keren Perles said...

Eh, I'll take another interview too, if you'd like. As I told TRW, please be nice...

At 7/26/05, 10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you have any questions left... I'll take an interview :)

At 7/27/05, 6:19 AM, Blogger EN said...

For the questions:

1) What made you decide to go into law?

2)What was the naughtiest thing you have done?

3)If you were a boy, would you learn in kollel or become a Balhabos and why?

4)If the president would ask you to join the supreme court would you do it, or demure because it is not tzniusdik?

5)What was the stupidest thing you ever saw a boy do?

extra credit: ;)

6)What did you get on your SAT's?
7)What does your father do?

Now the rules again:
1) Leave me a comment saying "interview me please."
2)I will respond by asking you five questions (not the same as above)
3)You will update your blog/site with the answers to the questions.
4) You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5) When others comment asking to be interviewed you will ask them five questions.


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