Tuesday, September 14, 2010

It's the Little Things

New highlighters (after years of being a yellow-highlighter purist, I have graduated, or devolved, to colored highlighters), the first pumpkin latte of the season, free coffee, a belated birthday card and gift, two cans of diet coke, and I'm a very happy person. (Or at least a very caffeinated person.) Oh, that and an upcoming visit by my best sister (luckily, I'm pretty sure she's the only sister who reads my blog) for Sukkot. Which reminds me of all those yom tov meals I need to find, which I can't host myself because I don't have a sukkah and my balcony (I have a balcony!) has an overhang (not that I have the technical aptitude to put together a sukkah anyway)... I have too much caffeine in me right now to get nervous quite yet. I'll write "yom tov meal-finding stress" into my calendar for tomorrow.


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