Wednesday, May 11, 2005

In Remembrance and in Thanks

I spent a year in Israel and cannot begin to sing the praises of the country I made my home for that year. I know, unfortunately, of too many people who have lost their lives in Israel - in the army and in terrorist attacks. When I was in Israel, for Yom Ha'Zikaron a group of us went to the kever of our teacher who was killed in the Sbarro's terrorist attack. I stood silently for the siren. We watched a movie and then walked to Har Herzl - to the military cemetery to commemorate all those that lost their lives so that I had the ability to pray at the Kotel, to spend a year in Yerushalayim, to take tiyulim all over the beautiful country. Two years later and so far away from Israel (literally and figuratively), I can only post a paltry poem on my blog to express my gratitude. But at least I can do that.

lives lost
in fighting
for God's land
in living
in God's country
thank and praise
the nameless, faceless
hordes of sacrifices
who gave you
your land
with their
outstretched, bloody hands


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