Friday, February 18, 2005

Majorities Need Not Apply

Warning: this is a rant, and when I rant I am not completely rational...
I am a Jewish American white girl and so not a minority in this lovely city nor in the institution of higher education I attend. I am also a Democrat and proud of it BUT I am absolutely sick and tired of seeing job offers and internship programs only for minorities. I need a job too! Do only minorities need good intenships to put on their resumes? Do only minorities need to make money this summer? I don't get it.These are not programs geared toward specific ethnic or cultural groups, they are merely run-of-the-mill programs that essentially say, "majorities need not apply," and that is not OK even with little old liberal me.


At 2/18/05, 8:43 AM, Blogger Summer said...

Good luck job hunting!! The reason smart Jewish girls don't get any breaks is because they somehow always manage to get cool jobs anyway... you'll find something.

At 2/18/05, 9:31 AM, Blogger Eli7 said...

Well, I would agree except that I spent last summer working in a lab for a semi-nuerotic, eccentric scientist doing a good deal of mind-numbing tasks (cooking mac and cheese and then measuring exactly little containers of it). And it's not that I have anything against eccentric scientists or anything, but hopefully I'll find something slightly more, ummm, exciting, interesting, engaging...

At 2/19/05, 4:31 PM, Blogger Keren Perles said...

My sister's friend, who is a "Jewish American white girl" born in South Africa, tried to apply for a scholarship for "African Americans."

It almost worked too. Until the interview.

At 2/19/05, 6:36 PM, Blogger Eli7 said...

Hey - there are real African Americas who are very light-skinned, I don't think that's so fair. If it says African American...


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